Top 10 Cigar Myths
Let’s debunk the top 10 cigar myths to set the record straight.
1. A Dark Wrapper Means a Stronger Cigar: Many believe that the darker the wrapper . . .
2. Bigger Cigars Are Always Better: The size of a cigar doesn’t determine its quality. Larger cigars . . .
Cigar Smoking and Health Effects
Cigar smoking has often been portrayed in popular culture as a sophisticated and less harmful alternative to cigarette smoking. Recent studies suggest that the health risks associated with cigars may indeed be significantly lower when consumed in moderation and without inhalation.
Legacy Brands: Storied Histories
A cigar legacy brand refers to a cigar brand with a long, storied history and reputation within the cigar industry. These brands have been around for multiple decades, sometimes even over a century, and are known for their consistent quality, craftsmanship, and influence on the culture of cigar smoking. Many of these brands have passed down their traditions through generations, maintaining both classic techniques and a loyal following of enthusiasts.