About us

At The American Cigar Co., we’re dedicated to celebrating and evolving the rich tradition of American cigar culture. With a passion for craftsmanship and an eye toward the future, we blend history, sophistication, and modern luxury in everything we do. Through our Primo Lounge concept and American-branded premium cigars, of the finest tobacco, we offer a refined yet inclusive experience that embodies the spirit of success, ambition, and affluence.

Primo Lounge is designed to provide a luxurious yet welcoming space where people can enjoy the timeless pleasure of cigars, share meaningful conversations, and connect over shared experiences.

Our cigars are a nod to the legacy of American icons, from Gilded Age industrial magnates to Hollywood legends, symbolizing power, leisure, and accomplishment.

We’re not just about cigars; we’re about offering an aspirational lifestyle that blends storytelling, quality, and luxury into every moment.