The American Cigar Co.

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Top 10 Cigar Myths

The 10 Top Cigar Myths According to Experts

Cigars have long been surrounded by mystique, ritual, and misinformation. For newcomers and even seasoned enthusiasts, separating fact from fiction can be a challenge. Here, we debunk the top 10 cigar myths, according to experts, to set the record straight and enhance your appreciation of the craft..

1. A Dark Wrapper Means a Stronger Cigar

Many believe that the darker the wrapper, the stronger the cigar. However, a cigar’s strength comes from the blend of its filler tobaccos, not the wrapper’s color. Darker wrappers, such as maduro, often contribute sweetness and richness, not necessarily strength.

2. Bigger Cigars Are Always Better

The size of a cigar doesn’t determine its quality. Larger cigars simply offer a longer smoking experience, while smaller cigars can deliver equally complex flavors. The right size depends on the time you have and your personal preference.

3. Cigars Are Only for the Wealthy

While premium cigars can carry a hefty price tag, there are plenty of high-quality options that cater to various budgets. Experts emphasize that enjoyment isn’t about the cost but about finding a cigar that matches your palate and preference

4. All Cuban Cigars Are the Best

Cuban cigars have a legendary reputation, but experts agree that exceptional cigars are made in many countries, including Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, and Honduras. Quality depends on the brand, blend, and craftsmanship, not just origin.

5. You Should Ash Your Cigar Frequently

Contrary to popular belief, letting a long ash form can enhance the smoking experience. The ash acts as an insulator, keeping the burn consistent and the cigar cooler. Flicking it off too often can disrupt this balance.

6. Cigar Smoking Is Just Like Cigarette Smoking

Cigar smoking is fundamentally different from cigarette smoking. Cigars are typically not inhaled, and they’re enjoyed for their flavor, aroma, and craftsmanship rather than for nicotine delivery. The experience is about relaxation and savoring, not urgency.

7. All Cigars Should Be Cut the Same Way

The choice of a straight cut, V-cut, or punch cut depends on the cigar’s size and the smoker’s preference. Each method impacts the draw and flavor delivery differently, and experimenting can help you find what suits you best.

8. Cellophane Should Be Removed for Aging

There’s no universal rule about removing cellophane from cigars. Cellophane protects cigars from physical damage and excessive humidity changes. If you prefer to age your cigars with better air circulation, removing the cellophane is fine, but it’s not a requirement.

9. A Cigar Needs to Be Relit to Be Enjoyed Properly

Relighting a cigar is not a sign of poor etiquette or low quality. Cigars naturally extinguish when left unattended, and relighting them—if done correctly—won’t ruin the flavor. Purging the cigar by gently blowing through it before relighting can minimize harshness.

10. Cigar Smoking Is Too Complicated

With the array of cutters, lighters, humidors, and terminology, cigars can seem intimidating. However, enjoying cigars is as simple or complex as you want it to be. Experts encourage newcomers to start small, ask questions, and focus on enjoying the experience.


Cigars are a celebration of craftsmanship, tradition, and personal taste. By debunking these common myths, you can approach the world of cigars with a clearer understanding and greater confidence. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned aficionado, the key is to enjoy the journey—one puff at a time.