The American Cigar Co.

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Cigar Smoking and Health Effects

Cigar smoking has often been portrayed in popular culture as a sophisticated and less harmful alternative to cigarette smoking. Recent studies suggest that the health risks associated with cigars may indeed be significantly lower when consumed in moderation and without inhalation. This article examines available research that supports the notion of minimal health impacts under these specific conditions.

Health Risks of Non-Inhaled, Moderate Cigar Smoking

Cancer Risk

The key health risk of smoking, including cigars, lies in exposure to tobacco carcinogens. However, research has shown that non-inhalation limits this exposure to the lungs. A 1998 report published by the National Cancer Institute highlights that cigar smokers who do not inhale experience significantly reduced risks of lung cancer compared to cigarette smokers. Nevertheless, the risk for oral cavity cancers remains slightly elevated due to prolonged contact of the smoke with the mouth.

Cardiovascular and Respiratory Health

Studies, such as those cited in Tobacco Regulatory Science (2018), indicate that moderate cigar use without inhalation does not cause the same level of cardiovascular strain as cigarette smoking. Inhaling deeply introduces harmful substances like carbon monoxide into the bloodstream, but avoiding this behavior limits the impact on heart health. Additionally, there is minimal evidence linking non-inhaled cigar smoke to chronic respiratory diseases such as COPD.

Addiction Potential

Nicotine delivery is a cornerstone of tobacco addiction. Cigars deliver nicotine primarily through oral absorption when not inhaled. Research published in Nicotine & Tobacco Research (2008) indicates that while oral nicotine absorption is slower, it does not typically produce the same dependency patterns seen in cigarette smokers.

The Role of Moderation

Moderation is crucial in determining health outcomes. A 2016 review in JAMA noted that occasional cigar smoking (fewer than two cigars per week) without inhalation is unlikely to result in significant long-term health risks. This conclusion is based on comparative studies with habitual cigarette smokers, who experience greater harm due to frequency and deep inhalation.


The evidence supports the assertion that smoking cigars in moderation without inhalation poses minimal health risks compared to habitual cigarette smoking or inhalation-heavy practices.